A cast iron tub is not just a functional bathroom fixture. It’s the focal point of your bathroom. While white is traditional and striking, nothing draws the eye in quite like a splash of color.
In our catalogue you will find several cast iron tubs that are shown with different exterior colors.Cheviot has offered custom painted exteriors on all of our freestanding tubs for more than fifteen years.
Our process applies a durable layer of color over every inch of the tub’s exterior surface. The glossy sheen glows with class and quality.

How long does it take?
Painting the tub exterior takes two to three weeks from the date we receive the order and any samples required.
Will I be given a sample to approve?
A proof is not possible because the paint is mixed at the time the tub is to be painted. However we won’t ship your tub until we’re satisfied with the color, texture, and precision of the paint.
Can you do metallic paint?
Yes, with a very limited selection. Dark gray metallic (similar to Benjamin Moore’s Liquid Mercury) and silver metallic are popular choices.
Can you do textured finishes?
Textured finishes are not possible with the paint we use.
Can the feet be painted as well?
Yes, all of our tub feet are available in six different finishes, or if you prefer they can be painted to match the exterior color of your tub.
Let your creativity run free. The choice of colors is virtually unlimited. We recommend selecting a color from the comprehensive Benjamin Moore fan deck. Alternatively you can have your dealer ship us a sample when you purchase your tub, and we will do our best to match to your color.
Browse all of Cheviot Products’ cast iron bathtubs, and clawfoot bathtubs.